Kim Kardashian Gets Paid millions for one Instagram post wow
Instagram isn't just a place for your brunch pics or filtered sunsets – it's also a viable career option now, and if you're Kim Kardashian, it can help you rake in some serious cash. According to a recent report from a medical journalism website called STAT, Kim made more than the president makes in a single year off of one Instagram post.
STAT obtained a contract between medical company Duchesnay USA and Kim's company, Kimsaprincess, which stated she would be paid half a million dollars for a post. That's right, one post promoting a morning sickness pill earned her $500,000 – the president's salary is $400,000. The post was from 2015 for Duchesnay USA, the company that makes the pill Diclegis, which is supposed to help ease nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy.
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